The Lord cares for you: A Little Girl's Dream

Your Dreams Matter to the Father

Your dreams are important to the Father. He cares, He hears you and He knows what is in your heart. Do you believe that He wants to give you the desires of your heart? Well it's true it is in the Bible (Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.)

Imagining Yourself as a Daddy's Baby Girl

I want you to really think of yourself as a Daddy's baby girl. Picture yourself telling your Father all of your dreams while sitting in His lap or laying your head in His chest. Think of yourself with all that little girl excitement bubbled up in you and the little girl voice looking up at your Father with eyes glowing from all the excitement. Your telling Him all of how you feel and what your dreams are for the future and He sitting there listening to you quiet just smiling over you. And He is just so happy that you're close to Him and want to tell Him what is in your heart, you might even turn around and ask Him, Daddy are you listening to me?! Make sure He heard every last drop.

Breaking Free from the Lies You've Believed

That is you and the Father, He knows all your heart's desires but you just don't believe He hears you or thinks He cares about somethings that you deemed too small to tell Him because He is such a big God. Take a step back and think who would tell you that lie (yup you took a sip of the devil's tea). He is there to tell you lies, have you thinking the Lord doesn't care or He doesn't hear you and that is far from the truth. He heard you the five thousandth time you told Him but somewhere you stop believing, you stop trusting Him, perhaps even made you a bit distant from Him.

Repenting and Restoring Trust in God

Well, the Father is calling you to come back near to Him, He is drawing you in like a mighty gushing wind pulling you closer to Him by the precious Holy Spirit, He is with you now. Tell Him exactly how you feel, tell Him how hurt you are, let Him know how frustrated you been, don't be afraid to be open with Him. He already knows what is inside but He desires a personal relationship with you and its requires you to spend time Him. It is time to nurture that relationship again.

It is time to repent for believing the lies and turn back to Him with all your heart. It's ok your not condemned, so don't shrink back He loves you. When did you stop dreaming without Him? When did you start taking matters in your hands; thinking you have to make it happen yourself? When did you forget to love Him first above all else? I know, it hurts to think about all that because many times we don't view it that way. Your dreams matter to Him! Rather it's the husband, vehicle, career, family, or whatever it is it matters to Him and some of those desires in your heart can actually be from the Lord giving it to you (revealing what He placed inside you).

Writing Out Your Vision and Surrendering to the Lord

I need you to tell Him again, that's right your going to say it again and this time your going to come from a place of belief. Go get a pen and paper and write out the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:7(A) And the Lord answered me: Write the vision, and make it plain. Then I need you to hand it over to the Lord, I want you to say Lord I am sorry I stopped believing, stopped trusting you and making an idol of the desires I have for myself. Why an idol you might be asking; that's because some place in your heart you started to place that dream before the Lord and you started to worry even to the point you got fixated over it a bit (that is clear indication you exalted it in your heart above God and made an idol of it). I want you to ask the Lord to help you pull down any idols in your heart and to reveal them to you. Ask the Lord what is His will personally for your life and to prepare you for what He has for you because Sis I promise you it's more than you ever imagine or ever can ask (Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us). After He told you His will for your life, now I want you to get about five to ten scriptures about every dream you have and declare them over your life. Then thank the Father for hearing you and remembering you.

Reflecting on Conviction and Personal Growth

Now Sis how do you feel? Did that little girl come back? Well I truly hope so, be a like a child that is what the Father asks of us in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3-5 And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I pray this blesses you! If am being real this came from a place of prayer with the Lord and as I started to ask Him things regarding myself I felt the pull to write and at first it started with a title then this whole blog post came about. It's funny how the Lord can work sometimes isn't it? This was a reminder to me to believe again from a place of a child and a conviction to me where I have failed to believe in the all knowing Almighty God! It's so crazy how small we think about Him sometimes that we forget that He owns the whole universe and if He created us then He surely has a plan for us and the faculty of our minds that are holding those dreams are many times placed there from Him it is just many times the enemy comes and twist it. So this is coming from a place of love, as a fellow sister in Christ I get it and I want you to know He already answered you before you even asked (Isaiah 65:24 "It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear.) He loves us!!! Toddles, much love ✌️❣️

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Relief comes from being a Daughter