The position of a Daughter of the King
The Importance of Understanding Our Identity as God's Daughters
What does it truly mean to be God's daughter? In a world with many fatherless homes we are many times left alone wondering. Without the experience without the time spent with our fathers we sometimes are left in a sense of the unknown. But just because it is unknown to you or me does it mean it can not be learned? Even without a father figure in our lives, are we truly meant to be unsuccessful in our lives with our Heavenly Father?
The Absence of Earthly Fathers and Its Effects
Now many might be able to relate with me, I've lost my father at a young age, I was fortunate enough to have my father in my life and a father that cared. I've lost my father in my teenage years and that had left me feeling lost in many areas of my life, mostly in relationships with men. I either was the homie that play fight with you, play video games for hours, even listen to your woman problems, or I was always in a situation-ship. Now you know one of those right, not the girlfriend but playing girlfriend role (or wife role) missy you deserve so much more don't give yourself for less than what your Heavenly Father have for you, but that's a story for another day.
Reimagining Fatherhood through God's Love
Like many I always had a childhood dream of becoming a wife at a young age having my papi (that was what I called my father) walk me down the aisle and give me away to my husband to be, then us having many children (yeah you heard me right I said many lol) living in a nice house and ride into the sunset. Remember when the times you played house with your dollies, then Barbie and Ken had to have a grand wedding with all your Barbie friends, umm yeah am aging myself but that was the image many of us had of us getting married; when your father will give you away to the man of your dreams. But what if I told you that you imagined it all wrong or half-way even, what if I told you that you are not fatherless your still able to be a daughter but now it is to the Heavenly Father. Daughter its time to take your rightful position, it is time to understand that you were always a daughter, you have not just a Father but a Daddy that will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:18) and no one can take that away from you!
Embracing Our Identity as Daughters of God
You are fearfully and wonderfully made, woven in your mothers womb (Psalm 139:14) your one of a kind its time to awaken to who you were always meant to be, a child of The Most High God, (Ephesians 1:5) a Daddy's girl, Girly your the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8) you are loved more than you will ever understand.
Imagination Part: This part of the blog is very important, I ask of you to try to remove any distractions and get in a posture to receive from the Lord, He is here ready to heal you and bring restoration to the parts of your life that's been holding you back, hurtful memories, unforgiveness, lacking intimacy with Him. Don't let another day go by with this pain, it is time to let go and let the Lord come in to that part of your heart that has been closed off, He wants access to all of you, that is what He requires from all of us. My prayer for you, is after you do this exercise your framework of thinking about the Lord will change, you will begin to rely on Him more, trust Him in places you have never allowed Him before.
Imagine with me; a Father that is always watching over you, remember when you came out your mother's womb and your mother handing you in your Father's hand and He looked down on you with so much love, joy and amazement. He even gave you your name when the nurse came in with so much excitement in his voice. Imagine when you get home and as a infant He cradling you in His very big arms holding you tight, speaking to you the future He has for you. Imagine when you took your very first steps, He's was holding you up and walking you across the room, cheering you on telling you how much He is proud of you and when you fall He tells you its okay Daddy is here watching you. When you ask for your very first bike with the training wheels and He makes sure your all padded up well protected from the dangers of getting yourself hurt and He's yelling that's my baby girl you can do it now just turn around and ride back to Daddy with His arms wide open ready to hug you. The first day He took the training wheels off your bicycle and you jump into His arms and say Daddy how scared you are and He reminds you how He saw you practiced how he is here if you get hurt or you say Daddy I got this trying to act like a big girl then get yourself hurt but He still there with open arms ready to kiss your booboo if you get hurt. Remember when you met your very first boy and he asked you out but your Daddy said any boy that wants to date you have to meet Him first, then He tell you its ok to go on a date but He still watching from the very back of the movie theatre or restaurant making sure that boy don't hurt you or He will deal with him!!! Babygirl you are loved and cherished your His special babygirl.
Praying for a Deeper Understanding of God's Fatherhood
Action Part: Pray with me, Thank you Lord for making this blog accessible to me, thank you for answering my heart desires to know you better. Lord I want to know you as my Father, I know you as God but have a hard time viewing you as Father. I repent for areas of my heart I have closed off to you and I choose to forgive those that have hurt me. (It is important to forgive those that have hurt you, for the word says if you don't forgive others the Lord can't forgive you (Matthew 6:14-15).
Letting Go of Past Hurts and Receiving God's Restoration
When we choose to hold on to unforgiveness it gives the enemy right to block areas in our life that the Lord wants to free us from. I know it may be hard but it is necessary, you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you to forgive, release the hurt to Him and trust that He will help you) I want to be closer to you I want to experience and know the love of you as my Father. Teach me by your Spirit the position of daughter, illuminate the verses that you spoken about me before the foundation of Earth. Whatever bad viewpoint I have of a father, I ask you to bring healing to the places of my soul that needs restoration, for my soul pants for you. I thank you for I know by your word according to Matthew 7:7-8 as I ask for restoration of my soul it will be given to me, as I seek you on this matter I will find you, for I knock and the door to my breakthrough/healing is opened to me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Prayer: Invitation to Accept Jesus Christ
Ready to give your life to Christ? If you are not a Christian but after reading this post you decided that you want to give your life to the Lord repeat after me, Lord I repent of all my sins, iniquities and transgressions. I no longer want to live my life without knowing you, I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior that He has died on the cross for me, now by His blood I am made clean and now able to have relationship with the Heavenly Father. I been transferred in the Kingdom of the Son of your love, I ask you to fill me with your precious Spirit that I will now follow your laws and keep your commands that you have given to me according to Ezekiel 36:27. In Jesus name I pray Amen. (Welcome to the Kingdom Sis!!!)
Closing Words of Gratitude
It is truly a blessing and a honor to be here for you on your journey of daughterhood. From the challenges I faced relating to the Lord as Father and the journey I've taken thus far I am grateful that through my battles the Lord thought me what it truly mean to be a daughter of the King and now to help His daughters come to the some realization is amazing to say the least, may the Lord bless you, till next time!!! Love you.
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